Sunday, May 23, 2010

143/365 Garden

Today my daughter and I spent most of the day weeding and planting. It was a beautiful day and we can't wait to see how BIG her cabbage will grow!

142/365 New iPhone

I took the leap and bought an iPhone. Here is the first photo I posted to FB, right from the phone.

141/365 No Photo Photo

I'm currently teaching the Growing & Changing Unit to my 5th graders. They are learning about "the birds and bees". A parent brought in a day old placenta on Friday, which I took photos of. So - I'd post one here but I don't think that would be appropriate. So if you want to see my no photo photo of the human placenta - email me. :)

140/365 DEN Star

I got my DEN Star & other fun things... in the mail this week! I'm proud to wear the lanyard with my star on it!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

139/365 READERS

My kids are READERS!

138/365 Spring Baseball

On Tuessday our son had a baseball game and team pictures. Mother nature rushed us a bit... note the DARK sky in the background.

137/365 Field Day

Thanks to the weather... we had field day on Monday the 17th. I have fond memories of my own field days in elementary school. Gotta love the good-ole tire roll.

136/365 Busy Boys...

The boys kept themselves busy during the baptism...

135/365 Soccer Girl

134/365 Blooming Trees

133/365 Kindergarten Writers

My son and his classmates are fervent writers. Their teacher (Ms. V) has created a wonderful workshop enviornment for them to write in. Some of these writers will be in my class next year. I want them to remember the routines that help them be writers... so I took a few photos. I plan on posting them in my 1st grade class and I'll strive to create that workshop enviornment too.

132/365 SNOW in MAY!!

Here it is... the snow.

131/365 Who Lives Behind This Door?

Monday, May 10, 2010

130/365 Enjoying the Sun

With the possibility of snow on Wednesday... I really enjoyed the sun today.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

129/365 Mother's Day

My family took me out to play some tennis during this beautiful Mother's Day!

128/365 Colonial Day Photo #2

Hoop and Stick was a hit during Colonial Day!

127/365 Colonial Day Picture #1

Our 5th graders enjoyed Colonial Day on Friday! Marbles was one of the activities...

126/365 NSBA Web Conference

My class, librarian and I had the opportunity to participate in a web conference Thursday morning. It was a GREAT experience for our class.

125/365 Music Class

My son has music class every Wednesday. This week I took him - I'm not a very good substitute for dad! I am amazed at all that he has learned!

124/365 Baby Shower @ School

In May it is GREAT to have yummy cake after school!

123/365 ISTE Bear

My ISTE Bear loves Starbucks!

122/365 Summer Hair

My son got his summer hair-cut!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

121/365 Try This...

My son has grown to become a great little reader. He found this book at school and was VERY excited to "try" the projects. We've made a telephone with cups and string, recolored a flower with food coloring and today we made a volcano! I'm so proud of how excited he is about reading and learning.

120/365 Wow!

I was totally at a loss of words when I received this email after lunch on Friday. I have been given the opportunity to attend the Discovery Educator Network Summer Institute in Waltham, MA!! The Summer Institute is a week long learning and networking opportunity that is fully paid for (except my travel expenses). I feel like I've won the lottery!! Thanks DEN for choosing ME!!!

119/365 New Toy!

I'm very thankful for our school librarian and tech support staff. They have entrusted me with a webcam. My class will be participating in a live webcast welcome next Thursday for a group of educators who will be visiting our school (and others). I have already begun to think about ways to embed and use this technology. Skype anyone?!?!

118/365 Moon

I've tried twice to capture the moon - but I realize I've got some learning to do. Any hints on night photography are welcome. I do love all the dark sky in this photo.

117/365 What an arm!

I can't take credit for this photo (the hubby took it) but I had to post it. What a great job Ryan did of catching Evan and the ball in one shot. And for those faithful blog followers - I'm thinking there will be weekly baseball photos til the season is over. :)